88bikes Foundation | Ride Forever — 88bikes

Ride Forever


Sustaining Membership Program

Our Ride Forever program lets donors contribute a small recurring donation of $8.88 or more every month in order to fund important ongoing work, including: 

  • enabling projects in expensive or difficult to reach regions;

  • following up with bike recipients to gauge the impact of the bike and offer additional support;

  • leading bike rides with bike recipients, like a recent, day-long jaunt across the Mongolian Steppe with several dozen heroic—and excited!—girls;

  • conducting bike repair clinics with bike recipients; and

  • funding some of the basic costs of running a nonprofit, like mailing photos of bike recipients to donors.

$8.88 isn’t much—maybe the cost of a chai latte and a croissant at your favorite coffee shop. But, cumulatively, it makes a huge difference in helping all of the girls we work with to Ride Forever

88bikes Foundation
88bikes Foundation
88bikes Foundation
88bikes Foundation